Top pedestrian injury law firms Florence, SC
When your average day, suddenly becomes anything but average!

Something bad has happened , and it's your job to deal with the consequences.
The problem is it's your job to make it right but your not sure know how to fix it.
The law is complex, let us do for you what your not sure how to do for yourself.

Let us deal with the lawyer stuff, you have enough to worry about.
To learn what we did for others like you, read Elana's story!!

Expert Florence, SC pedestrian injury lawyers
Something bad has happened, and it's your job to deal with the consequences.

Pedestrian-caused accident lawsuits can be challenging to prove. In many cases, pedestrians fail to use common sense when it comes to crossing the street. If a pedestrian is hit by a vehicle, they can suffer catastrophic injuries. A lawyer can help a victim to determine if
their accident was the result of negligence.

The rules of the road require drivers to stop when a pedestrian is walking in front of them. However, motorists may be distracted and make careless mistakes. Sometimes, a pedestrian will dart out from behind a parked car or run into the street. This can cause a driver to
veer off the road and hit another car.

Isn't it time to get it done? Let our affordable pedestrian injury law firm Florence, SC help you with all your pedestrian injury lawyer needs...

pedestrian accident law firms

Pedestrian injury lawyers quote Florence, SC

Depending on the state, a pedestrian may be able to sue for pain and suffering. However, some states only allow such claims if the injury is permanent.

pedestrian injury attorneys

Seeking pedestrian injury attorney deals Florence, SC?

In some instances, a pedestrian may also be held liable for contributing to his or her own injuries.

These accidents can be difficult to prove, but a good lawyer can help you gather the evidence you need.

pedestrian injury lawyers

Find the best pedestrian accident lawyers Florence, SC to help you with a consultation?

If you are a pedestrian and were injured as a result of a car accident, you may have a right to file a pedestrian accident lawsuit.

However, you might not know how to do this, so it is important to seek legal help.

Elana's story...

Elana was a nurse who had just gotten off work and after a long shift at the hospital she worked at decided to treat herself to dinner at a local restaurant
she enjoyed. So after she had dinner Elana started walking home, she didn't live far from the hospital she worked at and Elana almost always either
walked or rode her bike everywhere she wanted to go. She stopped at the crosswalk and pushed the button for her light.

When the pedestrian light turned so she could cross the street Elana started to cross when a truck turned the corner on the side street and hit her. Then the truck sped up and took off, as luck would have it a number of people saw what happened and came to help Elana while also getting the license number of the truck that had hit her. One of the people called for an ambulance and the police...

Top pedestrian accident lawyers Florence, SC

If you or a loved one was involved in a pedestrian accident, you may be entitled to compensation. A pedestrian injury lawyer can help you recover damages. The amount you receive will depend on the level of negligence
that occurred and the extent of your injuries. Pedestrians often suffer
serious or even fatal injuries due to car crashes.

You can also file a wrongful death claim. This type of lawsuit will provide compensation for any medical or funeral expenses that you have incurred.

Depending on the severity of your injuries, the amount of compensation you receive may include medical bills, lost wages, and pain and suffering. You
can recover damages for any of these if you can prove that your
injuries were the result of the accident.

Elana's story Continued...

Elana was loaded into the ambulance which took her right back to the hospital emergency room where she worked. The doctors who actually were friends
of Elana's immediately admitted her, took a number of x-rays from her neck to her feet. Then she was wheeled immediately into surgery where they
operated on a number of fractures to her elbow, right knee, and ankle.

Elana spent three in her hospital before her doctors were comfortable transferring her to another rehabilitation hospital where she underwent intense therapy
for another few weeks before allowing her to go home. One of the reasons for such intense therapy was Elana had never married so she had no children
and lived alone...

And she wasn't exactly a young woman either, when the truck had hit her Elana was just six months away from retirement. So after hobbling around her house with a splint on her foot and leg using crutches Elana spent several months in physical therapy before her doctors decided she would be fit for part-time
work at the hospital. After two months of that she was able to return to full-time status, and although the doctors that had done her surgery did a
fantastic job they weren't able to completely fix the damage to Elana's knee and ankle...

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Best Florence, SC pedestrian injury attorneys

Pedestrians can suffer serious injuries when they are struck by a car or truck. These injuries can be life threatening and affect
their physical and emotional well being. They can also
have significant medical costs.

Having a pedestrian accident lawyer on your side can help you maximize your recovery. When hiring a law firm, find one that
has a good track record and will provide you with a clear
picture of the value of your case.

This is especially important if you have been involved in a shared fault case. If you have been involved in a pedestrian accident, you may have noticed that your insurance company is doing everything they can to get you to settle for a small amount.

You don't have to agree to that. Getting a settlement is not impossible if you hire a qualified attorney.

Elana's story Continued...

Elana was left with a knee that gave out on her without notice as well as walking long distances was now difficult for her, and her balance had suffered.
She was no longer comfortable standing on a ladder of stool and riding her bike was out because she was afraid of falling. So Elana's two modes of
transportation walking and riding her bike where severly damaged. Long distance walking caused a burning sensation in her ankle and her
knee gives out without warning, riding her bike she was afraid of doing because of the damage to her ankle and her sense of balance no
longer worked the way it should.

Even getting things down from the top shelf in her kitchen, she couldn't do because she was afraid of using the step ladder she kept in her kitchen.
And as a woman who lived alone most of her life and with no one to help her, what Elana had thought she would be able to do after she retired
had taken a dramatic turn...

Florence, SC pedestrian
accident lawyers

If you have been injured in a pedestrian accident, you may want to file a lawsuit to receive compensation. The law allows you to recover up
to 50 percent of your injuries, depending on the degree of fault.

A personal injury attorney can help you determine if you have a case,
and what you can expect.

An experienced pedestrian accident lawyer will know the laws involved and will have the right expertise to help you get the best compensation.

Besides filing a lawsuit, they can also negotiate with insurance companies
and will be able to give you advice on how to proceed with your claim.

The laws regarding pedestrians are complex and require an attorney
with a solid understanding of traffic laws and insurance companies.

pedestrian accident lawyer costs

Elana's story Continued...

Now, with her retirement only a couple weeks away and still having to go to physical therapy every week Elana started to worry about her future
after she retired. Also Elana had no idea what her rights were when it came to her accident. So she decided to do a little research and after at least
realizing she had a lot more questions than answers Elana started calling law firms who specialized in auto and pedestrian accidents. She finally
found a firm that would take her case on a no-win/no-pay basis, which just means that if they don't win your case they don't get paid anything...

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Pedestrian injury law firms Florence, SC 

An experienced pedestrian injury lawyer will also be able to advise you about the value of your claim. Insurance companies will try to deny your claim or drive down the value. Getting the money you deserve is

  • Affordable pedestrian accident lawyers Florence, SC
  • Pedestrian accident law firms quotes Florence, SC
  • Pedestrian accident lawyers price Florence, SC
  • Florence, SC pedestrian accident lawyer costs
  • Pedestrian injury lawyers plan Florence, SC

Elana's story Continued...

After the attorney assigned to her case studied all the facts and witness accounts, also talking to Elana's doctors about her ongoing treatment. She thought that going straight to the truck driver's insurance company would probably get Elana the best outcome without the case being tied up in court for months or even years. Elana's attorney had specialists who did their own independent examination of her injuries and what kind of treatment she would need, possibly for
the rest of her life. She had all the statements from witnesses to the accident and the police reports of the truck driver's vehicle when they found him...

pedestrian accident lawyers price
best Florence, SC pedestrian injury law firm

Something has happened something bad, and it's your
job to deal with the

affordable pedestrian injury law firms
top pedestrian injury lawyers Florence, SC

The problem is it's your job to have answers, but you don't have them and your even a little fuzzy on what questions to ask.

pedestrian injury attorney quotes
pedestrian accident attorneys Florence, SC

When you need someone who understands your situation and
will fight for everything owed to you.

Let us do for you, what no one taught you how to do for yourself.

pedestrian accident law firms cost
Florence, SC pedestrian injury attorneys

The law is complex, let us do for you what your not sure you can
do for yourself.

We deal with the lawyer stuff, you have enough to worry about.

Elana's settlement...

What his insurance company agreed to was ongoing medical treatment for as long as Elana needed it. They also paid all medical expenses she had gone through to that point as well as compensation for the months she had missed work and they also gave Elana an undisclosed amount of money for her
pain and suffering. Insurance companies don't like to advertise how much they are forced to pay so the "undisclosed" part is usually backed up
by a none-disclosure agreement. But seven figures wouldn't be that unusual...

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P: (843) 773-4572

1901 W Evans St 
Florence, SC

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